2020.04.08 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防への取り組みについて




Notice regarding novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

- 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防への取り組みについて -





ALZE 六本木店・広尾店 スタッフ一同

– Notice regarding novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) –

Dear customers,

Our thoughts continue to be with those affected by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world. As the impact of this situation continues to grow in Tokyo every day, we would like to update you on the steps that we are taking to keep our customers safe.

At our restaurants in Roppongi and Hiroo, we take the following measures to protect the health and safety of our customers and all employees (employees, part-timers).

■ Thorough understanding of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all employees.
■ We require all our employees to effectuate a pre-work check of their body temperature everyday. If our employees present any symptoms, they are required to stay at home and contact a doctor.
■ Mandatory wearing of masks for all employees.
■ Thorough hand washing and alcohol disinfection for all employees.
■ We sanitize the kitchen equipment and utensils with alcohol before opening and after closing.
■ We sanitize with alcohol the inside of the store and the entrance door handle before opening and after closing.
■ We provide alcohol hand sanitizers near the entrance of the store and encourage every customer to sanitize their hands before entering the store.

At ALZE, our staff are fully committed to creating an environment where customers can eat, drink and take out with a peace of mind.
We look forward to your visit.
If you would like a delivery, please call “03-6450-2628” and we will get back to you promptly.

From all staff at ALZE Roppongi / Hiroo